Thursday, May 14, 2020

7 Google Chrome extensions that will literally save your student life - Debut

7 Google Chrome extensions that will literally save your student life - Debut You are probably deep into crunch-time right now. Its exam season, your nose is firmly pressed against the grindstone and the only thing that matters to you is getting those all important grades and securing your heros welcome back to your parents house. The last thing you need while youre trying to frantically memorise information from the past nine months is a whole lot of new information on Google Chrome extensions. Hear us out though as with many things, prevention is the best cure for what youre going through right now. As a student you spend the lions share of your life on Google Chrome. What if there was a way to flip that to your advantage? These nifty add-ons will not only make you a better student, but help you arrange all those other stubborn loose-ends in life. After that, hopefully exam season 2018 will be a little easier on you. Pocket Weve all been here, right? Hard at work leafing through a PDF when all of a sudden BAM. A scintillating article on what its like to build a LinkedIn in your twenties appears on your News Feed. You know you want to read it, but you also know that it will likely send you down a black hole of other distracting links. Well, Pocket will keep all that in a neat folder on your toolbar that you can easily access come breaktime across any and all of your devices. Grammarly Your best laid graduate job application or essay will go awry with a theyre/their/there mistake. It happens to the best of us, especially at a time like this when unholy stress is upon you. Grammarly stops things falling through the cracks. It checks your grammar against 250 different rules, optimises your vocabulary, and can even check your plagiarism score if youve got the stomach for it. The Great Suspender The Great Suspender is pure magic if youre limping to the end of university with an old laptop thats slower than erosion. It suspends all the tabs in your browser that are open but not active, saving you a ton of memory and helping your computer run faster. Crucial if youve gotta have all those YouTube vids open at once. OneTab For those among you that freak out something fierce when youre drowning in multiple tabs, OneTab works in a similar way to The Great Suspender. However, itll convert all your open tabs into a list, saving both you and your computer some headspace. Honey Every student knows their sesh budget is fleeting. As quickly as the loan comes in, its gone. Honey should help you stem the tide of outgoings just a tad though. Whether you need that free next day delivery on ASOS or a bit of buy one get one half-price on Dominos, Honey will scour the internet automatically and apply the best voucher codes it can find. Its a dream come true. Papier Now is a good time for frustration and writers block to kick in. Except, whats this? The best idea youve had all week. Lets just get a pen and paper to write that down Oh. You dont have one. Your phones dead too. Oh dear. With Papier, those days are over. Simply open a new tab, and youll have a blank canvas to jot down whatever you like, and itll stay there for as long as you want it too. StayFocusd Oh hey, its that Pomodoro learning technique we were telling you about. Except this time, its in Chrome extension form. You can program StayFocusd to block certain pesky websites that distract you or, in extreme cases, block everything accept the useful websites on your whitelist. It ought to stop you from spending the better part of 2 hours calling up random Wikipedia pages. Memorize! Tech is wonderful sometimes. Installing Memorize! is like having your own personal study buddy. All you have to do is give it questions and answers and itll test you at random intervals. It wont stop until you get all the questions right either, perfect for the modern languages student needing to memorise vocab or the engineer memorising formulas. Connect with Debut on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn for more careers insights.

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